First week in london was manic..just a big blurr of tired feet, air conditioned overground north bound and tesco's carrot cake...With a side of Peter Jensen studio's..of course! Im keeping a record of everything i did for my final year journal for uni..
Monday- Met 7 other interns in the morning, started by copying a pattern, this took the whole morning, i made a few mistakes but it was good to have someone to correct me and give me tips!
Tuesday-Met Peter Jensen- a little intimidating but he is very friendly! I had to go and pick up some luggage from the luggage exhange in kings cross, we brought it back and found it was full of P Jensens current line ss2010, we then had to sort out womenswear/mens/shoes/accessories and put them out on rails etc, then we actually were told to leave an hour early as it was a quieter day in the studio, which was lovelyy as i got an extra hour to soak up the sunshine!
Wednesday-It was one of the slower days, i had to sort out a storage space, there were boxes apon rails of patterns which needed to be sorted, the classic patterns such as blazers, trousers and standard peter jensen shapes were to be kept and everything a bit fancier was thrown out! to me it seemed so wrong! such perfect patterns of pieces from his older ranges. I got to have a closer look at the patterns which was really interesting and some of his spec sheets of the designs, just looking at these things was really interesting and gave me ideas of my own of how to present my own patterns and spec sheets in the future.
Thursday-I ran around london town doing errands, post office, accountant, Press..It wasn't the most exciting of jobs but i did get to stroll around london..i'm getting to know east london slowly!
friday-It was probably my favourite day, was quite relaxed cos it was FRIDAY (party times)..i did a few small jobs in the morning and then in the afternoon i teamed up with another intern and we started some pattern cutting jobs, for a dress and a jacket. This was good again because we had to do it extremely carefully because it was the sample which was to be sent off to production. Again learnt alot of titbits which i can use in the future!
..I finished the week with some cocktails in soho and a cinnabon mmmmmmm...and this weekend im just preparing my poor little feet for another working week with the exeption of a little visit to brick lane market this afternoon..cheeky cheeky!